The practices of mentoring, sponsoring, and coaching are among the most powerful contributors to peak performance in leadership, and they have bidirectional importance. It is crucial that we are well-mentored, well-sponsored, and well-coached as we advance in our careers, and the most successful leaders are turning around and investing in those around them to unleash the potential This session addresses the compelling need to build bench strength by developing leaders within our organizations and profession, to facilitate succession planning, and to drive performance, engagement, and outcomes. We will review current research on the topics of mentorship, sponsorship, and coaching in order to best understand their connection to workplace performance, engagement, retention, well-being, diversity, equity, inclusion, and adaptability.
Learning Objectives:
Apply best practices in mentoring, sponsoring, and coaching to develop high potential leaders on their teams
Leverage feedback as a tool to increase awareness, performance, engagement, and belonging
Create psychological safety and trust in mentorship, sponsorship, and coaching relationships